We Hope Her Wedding Dress Is Drying Machine-Safe
Who doesn't want a beautiful wedding photo in nature, complete with a peaceful lake background and lush foliage? It is just about everyone's dream, however, these people tried to make it a reality. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse as they piled people onto a small deck to get a cute and quaint wedding photo. They didn't stop to consider that the large group would be way too much for the small deck.
A few of the wedding party members managed to get to dry land before getting completely soaked. You can only hope that the bride didn't ruin her wedding dress in an attempt to get a photo!
Honey, When Did Your Skin Get so... Wrinkly?
Everyone has their own wedding traditions. Some are pretty commonplace and others are a bit on the stranger side. At this wedding, it looks like their games got a little crazy. The groom was blindfolded before having to go among all the guests in the crowd looking for his wife's legs. Although this is very clearly not his wife, from the expression on his face, it looks like he was convinced otherwise.

Everyone watching seems to think that this is quite comical since the groom seems pretty sure that he finally found his wife's legs. He's in for a big surprise when he opens his eyes.
Those People in the Back Really Stole the Show
Every couple wants a perfect wedding picture to show their friends and family. Just a simple photo of the bride and groom, showing their true love will suffice. However, for this couple, it looks like the universe had different plans. This overly affectionate couple in the back seems to be a little too PDA in public, especially when there are clearly photographers around. They seem to be in their own world though.

All this pair wanted was a nice photo of them walking down the steps. Maybe this is where they met and they simply wanted a sweet memory of the place.
Did She Get Cold Feet?
Although there are probably people who would pay a lot of money to get this effect in a photo, it seems like that was not the intention of this couple. They were trying to get a cute, jumping-for-joy photograph of the newly happily married couple, but instead got a photo where the bride looks like she is hovering or floating in mid-air. She also looks like she doesn't have any legs at all.
Maybe it's just because they are compared next to each other side by side, but the groom's legs look extra long as well, making the end result of this picture even funnier.
The Naked Bridesmaids
Times have changed and with them, the requirements for bridesmaids' dresses have changed as well. But did you ever think that it would get to the point that bridesmaids would show up completely naked to someone's wedding? Although from the angle of this picture, that is what looks like has occurred here, you can rest assured that these ladies most likely were wearing dresses, only strapless ones and they were photographed at a strange angle.
Clearly, they had a dress code for the bridesmaids and they were all wearing the exact same dress, so they all looked the same from the back of the church pew.
We Hope That's Not Her Ring in There
According to the traditional and conventional timeline of things, a person would normally propose to someone, and only then would they get married. However, it looks like things were a bit backward at this wedding. This woman is holding what appears to be a ring box and her face shows a serious expression of confusion and shock. Whose ring is this? Maybe it was meant for one of the bridesmaids and she accidentally opened it, ruining the surprise.

Hopefully, this wasn't the ring meant for someone else. That would really make for an extremely awkward wedding and wedding day, for all parties involved.
Moral of the Story: The Wedding Cake Is Not a Photo Prop
It's pretty common to see pieces of wedding cakes on the faces of the bride and groom. However, it's not so common to see a wedding cake flying through the sky and one of the wedding guests coming after it. This man, for whatever reason, decided to bring this cake outside for a picture, however, it appears that he could not have made a worse decision..one that he would always regret.
Something about this photo makes it seem like this entire event was staged. The shock on everyone's faces looks a bit contrived. Well, you can only hope that this is just a fake cake for a photo.
Alright, It's Definitely Past Someone's Bedtime
Considering the amount of alcohol involved in most weddings, it is no surprise that sometimes things take a turn towards PG-13 levels. However, most people would not expect such behavior as trying to take a look under the bride's wedding dress, especially from a boy so young! Maybe his friends dared him to do it, you can only hope. Either way, the bride looks completely oblivious to what is happening.

Hopefully, this child was reprimanded for his disrespectful behavior as soon as his parents found out (either with the surfacing of this picture or in the actual event).
Think We Know Who the Bartender Cut-Off That Night
Weddings are oftentimes the best parties of all. There is free alcohol and people love to indulge in the celebartions. The dancefloor can sometimes become a bit of a dangerous place...as can be seen here. This woman probably had a bit too much to drink and was getting a little too excited on the dancefloor before things took a turn for the worst. Hopefully, she wasn't injured too badly in this fall.

This doesn't appear to be the bride, but then again who would wear a dress this color to a wedding? It seems strange to wear anything that is that close to the color white. Maybe that fall was karma.
Embrace Your Pregnancy Body
You are probably more familiar with the concept of trying to hide the fact that you are pregnant on your wedding day. Most people who get pregnant before they are married, at least traditionally, would try to have a shotgun wedding that would take place before people noticed. This is the opposite of a shotgun wedding. This bride is pregnant and she wants the world to see it. There is no shame at all.

Although there is no reason to be ashamed of the fact that you got pregnant before you were married, you don't often see people showing off their pregnant bellies to this extent anywhere, let alone at a wedding. Special design wedding dress for sure!
When the DJ Says "raise the Roof" and You Take It Too Literally
It's not very often that you get to capture the looks on people's faces when they realize that disaster is imminent. But that's what was captured in this wedding photograph: while some people look startled and concerned over the groom's condition, others seem amused and can't hide their smiles. It should be interesting for the newlyweds to see this photo and notice who found joy in the husband's suffering (and the couple having to pay the venue for damage costs).
How much do venues even charge for breaking the roof with your head? Are your friends throwing you too high into the air considered accidental damage covered in the contract? For this couple's sake, we hope so.
They Never Let Their Differences Get Between Their Love
In case you have always dreamed of being a centaur...perhaps the time has finally come to make those dreams a reality....just as this bride did. Whether or not she intentionally got a picture that made her look like a centaur is up for debate, but no one can deny that it is impossible to find where her dress ends and where the horse begins. Maybe a white horse was not the best choice after all.
Everyone always dreams of the stereotypical white horse, however, this is perhaps just the proof someone needed that another color may be much better in the end.
We Hope That Dress Wasn't a Rental
It can be a lot of fun to have your best friends by your side on your wedding day. As a matter of fact, there is nothing quite like it. However, just as can always happen with certain friends, sometimes people take it a little too far. This bridesmaid, as can be clearly seen in the picture was a little overzealous about the wine and drank too much too fast.

Not only was she drunk very quickly as a result of this, but she also spilled the wine all over her dress. And it was red wine too!
Your Sign to Reconsider Allowing Electronics at Your Wedding
There is a reason that most people hire an actual photographer for their wedding and often require a strict no phone policy. They are dreading something that looks just like this. Although it can certainly be nice to get a few candid photos from your friends and family and guests, sometimes it can be much too much and very overwhelming. Half the people in the crowd can't even see the bride and groom!

It also must be pretty overwhelming to be walking down the aisle and see that many cameras pointed directly in your face.
Maybe Smearing Red Velvet Cake on Your Face Isn't a Good Idea
There is a pretty common tradition of smashing your newly wed partner's face full of wedding cake at the ceremony. Some people love this tradition and some hate it. Even if this bride loved it before her wedding day, she is probably thinking differently now. It seems that her husband pushed the cake in her face a little too aggressively and actually caused her to have a bloody nose!

These probably are not the wedding photos that these two expected! The strangest part is that he also appears to have blood on his face...did they both get a bloody nose from this?
Not the Walk Down the Aisle She Was Expecting
Whoever thought that the biggest risk at your wedding would come as your father walked you down the aisle? This woman's father just gave her away to her husband and was trying to escape back to his seat when he tripped and almost caused a very big problem. He tripped on his daughter's wedding veil, almost pulling it off of her head in the process. Considering it is usually attached with hairpins, it may have even been painful.

You can't tell if the horror in this woman's face is due to the fact that the entire incident was painful (physically) or if she was terrified that her entire look would be destroyed.
Guess We Know How He Feels About His Dad's Wife
Weddings can be a difficult time for children. Often they are expected to change their entire way of life and accept a new person into their daily routine. It can be a difficult adjustment to have an additional, new parent figure in your life. This little boy is clearly not happy at all with the turn of events, as can be seen by his hand gesture as they all stood to take photos.

His face does not look that angry, but his hands are telling a different story entirely.
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Every bride wants to find something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Maybe this bride couldn't find something blue in time and so in a moment of desperation, she ate a blue lollipop dying her entire mouth blue. Although this is probably not the look she was going for on her wedding day, luckily it was mostly just on her tongue, so she could easily hide the blueness.

She doesn't look like she is even trying to hide her blue tongue. She is proud of it and wants to make sure that she gets a picture with it!
Dress Code: Gowns and Boxers
Weddings are usually pretty fancy events. So it's not very often that you people underdressed for the occasion. However, this groom seems to be extremely underdressed for the occasion. Not only is he not wearing fancy clothes, but he is hardly wearing clothes at all. Meanwhile, his bride is completely dressed in a traditional and beautiful white gown. Is this some sort of pre-wedding rehearsal or game that is the new rage?

The strangest part about this is that the groom is not the only practically naked one in the group. There is another man in the background who is also only partially dressed.
Just When We Thought Themed Weddings Couldn't Get Weirder
Maybe this is a unique cultural aspect that most of the world is unfamiliar with, but if not, this is a very strange and confusing wedding gift to receive. Is it an animal? A zebra? A leopard? A llama? There are so many options and the answer is unclear. Why would you want someone dressing up as an unrecognizable animal for your wedding, to appear in all of your wedding photos?

As strange as this may seem to the rest of the world, the bride and groom seem pretty happy with the animal creature. Maybe they had a wild animal-themed wedding and thought this mascot was the perfect form of entertainment.
His Vows Said He'd Always Be There to Catch Her if She Fell
You can never be too careful at your wedding...and even if you are, something like this might just happen anyway. This couple was in the process of taking a sweet and loving photo of the groom holding his bride when things took a turn for the worst. Whether he lost his footing or she simply slipped out of his arms, it was not so clear, but the end result could not be clearer or more catastrophic.
Hopefully, they were able to still get a nice picture of the two of them before she was soaking wet in the pool. And even more so, hopefully, her beautiful dress was not destroyed beyond repair.
A Not-So-Subtle Cry for Help
For some people, the idea of settling down forever can be a pretty terrifying thought. They are used to living the wild and free life and marriage can change all of that. This man is apparatnly not quite ready for the commitment. Maybe the groom wrote the words HELP on his shoes as a light-hearteed joke for everyone in the crowd or his groomans did it without his knowledge.

Either way, although it may be sort of funny, it is also pretty insulting to the bride. Most people would not be so happy to think that someone does not really want to get married to them.
We've Heard of Third-Wheeling, but What About Seventh-Wheeling?
No one like to feel like the third wheel in any circumstance. It can be uncomfortable and almost embarrassing. That is, even more, the case with wedding photos, where everyone is embracing and kissing their loved ones. You feel almost singled out for being the only single one in the picture. This man's facial expression perfectly describes the feeling...just pure disappointment and sadness. But then again, maybe he is the happiest one of them all!
It's also wrong to assume that someone is sad and lonely just because he is single. Some people thrive in the single life and are even happier than they would be in a relationship.
This Feels Like the Start of a Horror Movie
Imagine thinking that you are marrying the love of your life, the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. And then when you are going through your wedding photos after the event, you see this creep shot that someone took from behind. You might be left rethinking your entire life decision. Although there is probably a very good explanation for this like they were about to cut the cake, but it still looks suspicious.

They look so lovey-dovey at first glance, with their arms wrapped around each other, that you almost don't notice the enormous knife in the groom's hand.
The Lonesome Bride
Imagine you just got married. You finished the ceremony and are now enjoying the reception with all of your family and friends when this guy shows up. He appears to be a stranger, but you can't be too sure. Maybe he is just a very overeager and excited family member who wants to show off their accordion skills. The bride does not look thrilled, to say the least, and is sending him a death glare.
Perhaps the strangest part of this entire picture is that the woman is sitting there entirely by herself. Why was she left alone with the radical accordion player? Where is the groom?
When Arch Enemies Come Together for a Shared Cause: Objecting the Wedding
Pets are a part of the family and most people want to include them in their wedding one way or another. However, this may just be reason enough to consider keeping some pets out of certain parts of the event. This dog clearly is not very happy with the fact that his owner is getting married. Maybe he doesn't like the husband-to-be or he just wants his owner all to himself.

Although he probably knows that destroying the wedding dress will not do anything to stop the wedding, he has to try! The bride at least thinks it is more funny than tragic.
The Photobomber Didn't Get the Dress Code
It can be difficult sometimes to get the perfect shot for a wedding photo. There are always so many people around that it is almost inevitable that someone will make a surprise appearance. But nothing could have prepared this couple for the photo bomber that they would encounter. This man is tiptoeing around behind them in his bathing suit, making for a very awkward background photo in general but especially for a wedding.

At least the man seems sort of aware of the fact that he is probably not dressed appropriately to be included in this photo and he is making an effort to disappear.
She Knows That Squirrels Are Just Tree Rats
There's nothing like uninvited guests crashing your wedding at the last minute. Everyone has seen the movie "Wedding Crashers" and knows what can happen when guests show up uninvited. However, this is a different type of uninvited guest. This squirrel decided that he wanted to jump right onto the bride's head as they were taking the wedding photos. Maybe he just wanted to feel apart of the wedding and event.

Getting your hair done for your wedding day can often be one of the most expensive parts of the event. This squirrel could not care less about the wasted money and was enjoying the chaos.
Caution: Strong Winds May Cause Wedding Veil to Fly
There are so many things that can go wrong on a wedding day...the one day in a person's life that they simply want everything to go smoothly and without a problem. This bride most likely did not ever think that somehow her veil would get caught in the trees above her venue...but that is exactly what happened. The only way for them to rescue the veil was by bringing a ladder.

Hopefully, the veil was not harmed in the process. Veils are usually made of a fragile material, so it seems unlikely that it would survive this event unharmed.
The Concrete Was a Little Too Hot for His Comfort
Ok, so this one is far from a wedding fail. On the contrary, this is perhaps one of the cutest wedding photos you will ever see. This little doggo did not want to miss out on his owner's wedding, he wanted to be right in the center of all the action, just as any other family member would want to be. And what better way to do that than to sit on the bride's dress?

He even brought a nice little bouquet of flowers with him to make the event feel a bit more special. Could this have been any cuter?
When the Mother-In-Law Walks in Wearing White
A picture is worth a thousand words and yet sometimes it does not tell the entire story. You can tell that something very shocking was occurring behind the cameraman as this wedding photo was taken. The looks on everyone's faces make that quite clear. However, you may never actually know what the shocking event was. Was someone running past naked, was someone being chased by a bear, did someone fall and hurt themself?

You may never know what was happening, but it is probably a pretty funny story for them to tell later on. Unless, of course, everyone was reacting to the mother-in-law showing up in a white dress. That's never a funny story.
Time to Drop the Pants
You have probably heard of just about every creative thing when it comes to the groomans. Sometimes they have matching clothes, big parties, and just an overall crazy time. It would be no surprise to see a shirt with the groom's name on it. However, have you ever seen matching underwear, personally labeled for each of the groomens? The answer is most likely not, so hopefully you will enjoy this unique idea.

This seems like a very interesting concept for a pre-wedding photo with the boys...but to each their own. Maybe this is a big inside joke with the entire friend group.
Who Knew One Champagne Bottle Could Cause Hundreds in Damage
Just about everyone is familiar with the concept of shaking a bottle of champagne and then popping the cork at the exact moment that will cause the largest explosion of foam and fizz everywhere. Usually, it is reserved for the bachelor or bachelorette parties and not the wedding ceremony itself. It seems a bit crazy to ruin everyone's fancy clothes (including the bride and groom) just for a spraying bottle of champagne.

The bride does not look too happy about the turn of events. It seems like no one told her that this would be a part of the plan for the evening.
They're Either the Best or the Worst Bridesmaids
Photobombs can be some of the funniest pictures in existence, especially when the people in the photo don't realize that it is happening until after the fact. However, it almost seems a little rude to photobomb someone's wedding picture with this rockstar-style hand gesture. All this couple wanted was a simple and sweet picture of the two of them on their wedding day and the people in the back really ruined the vibe.

Hopefully, this couple is good at photoshop so that they can edit out the annoying photobombers in the back of their picture. The rest of the image was a real keeper!
God Bless the Maid of Honor
Most people consider being a maid of honor as well...quite an honor. However, sometimes people forget just how much work goes into this title. They are the ones behind the scenes who are there to make sure that everything goes smoothly all of the time. It's quite a responsibility, as can be seen by this maid of honor here. She is stuck in a desperate attempt at untangling the bride's very, very long veil.

The maid of honor's face explains it all. She is having a tough time getting everything perfect just before the bride walks into the chapel. She is on a time crunch.
And the Groom Came Tumbling Down
The bride is triumphant and the groom is....on the ground. The bride is so much in her moment of excitement that she does not even notice that her groom is passed out on the floor. Were the steps very slippery or is he just a klutz? At least he doesn't seem to be hurt, judging by the huge smile on his face. If you have a big slip like this, the least you can do is laugh about it.

Everyone just continued to play the music and continue on as if nothing happened at all. They almost don't even seem to notice the groom at all.
Say Goodbye to the Wedding Cake
What is one major downside of having an enormous and tall wedding cake that is propped up on stilts? That it is not sturdy at all and can come tumbling down at any given moment. And that is exactly what happened to this couple on their wedding day. You can see the sadness and disappointment in their faces as they watch the cake fall. There was nothing that they could do to prevent it.

It doesn't look like the cake fell too far so maybe it was still salvageable after the tumble. Hopefully, they weren't left without a cake at all on their wedding day.
We Almost Didn't Spot the Groom
Did you ever think the day would come when you would see a camouflaged wedding? Most people want to flaunt their wedding day looks and have something that will stand out and be very memorable. This couple seems to have nailed the memorable side of things, but they are definitely not standing out. Instead, they decided to blend right in and go for the complete look of camouflage.

The bride's dress still has a little bit of the traditional white that you would expect to see. Although it is quite clear that they also went for the camouflage look for her.
A Very Back End Oriented Picture
Ok, so this is most definitely not the type of photo that you are used to seeing when it comes to weddings. People tend to try to look a little more decent and less exposed when it comes to someone's big day. However, that is not the theme here at all. This bridal group thought it would be funny to take their photos with each one's dress tucked into their underwear.
It's not really clear what is going on in this photo and why anyone would think that this is a good and appropriate wedding photo idea. Maybe there is some inside joke that only they understand.
For Once, We're Just Speechless
Sometimes you will see photos or videos or just actions of people in life and you will be left speechless. There are no words to explain why someone would ever voluntarily choose to do something...especially something like this. This couple, for whatever reason, chose to have perhaps the most inappropriate wedding photos ever. You are just left thinking, what on earth was going on inside their heads as they posed for this photo?

The worst part is that they seem so proud of this photo and it wasn't destroyed immediatley. On the less inappropriate side, it looks like she is about to give birth to a baby.